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Schoolwide Learning Expectations
As a student at St. John the Evangelist Catholic School, I will continue to grow throughout my life in…
I love and serve God.
I know and value the teachings of Jesus.
I am knowledgeable about the Catholic faith and can share it with others.
I participate actively in liturgical life and prayer.
I acquire knowledge of God's creation.
I am an effective communicator and listener.
I strive to produce quality work.
I apply critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
I develop organizational skills.
I participate in the fine arts and foreign languages.
I actively provide community service to others.
I demonstrate awareness of local, national and global issues.
I understand and apply the rules of the classroom and school community.
I exhibit good citizenship.
I respect and appreciate that all people, cultures and the environment are a part of God's creation.
I demonstrate awareness about how my words and actions affect those around me and myself.
I accept responsibility for my choices.
I work cooperatively while demonstrating patience and respect.
I respect my body by making informed health choices.